Monday, June 23, 2014

Do it for YOU

I have a lot of reasons I think I *should* write and share my spiritual journey.  Some reasons are altruistic, like I know that something I'm dealing with or something I may say could really make a difference for somebody.  Some reasons are to make sure I'm creating something I can monetize in the future.  But the reasons I can't get away from are the reasons are in the realm of "I just have to.  For me."  I have to express myself and I can't wait.

I so want to wait.

I want to wait for people to ask me to share.  I want to wait until I feel like I have my life together.  I want to wait until I feel really ready to be public about myself and my ideas.  I want to wait until I have the Master of Divinity or whatever accreditation will prove that I really do have something to offer.  I want to wait until my thoughts are fully formed so I don't put something out in the universe that is wrong/thoughtless/offensive.

But I'm not going to do that any longer.  I'm not going to wait.

So this is your warning.  I may be a mess.  I may be uneducated about what I'm writing about.  I may be heretical or just confused.  I may rant.  I may be way off base.

But you will finally have ME.

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